Banished 1.07 cheat engine
Banished 1.07 cheat engine

  • Fixed a potential infinite loop in war name generation.
  • Fixed a bug with the 'grant_title' effect which would assign the liege to the liege of the granter.
  • Fixed a bug with the effect 'abdicate_to_most_liked_by' that would invalidate outside wars.
  • Fixed a bug with the depose liege CB sometimes making the new ruler independent (bug in the effect 'abdicate_to_most_liked_by').
  • Moved the county of Chalons into Lower Burgundy and Grisons into Upper Burgundy.
  • banished 1.07 cheat engine

  • Fixed a memory leak with timed opinion modifiers that time out naturally.
  • Slightly increased merc reinforcement rates.
  • Fixed an issue with the de jure law vote message not going away when trying to approve it.
  • Fixed a bug with the succession message not being shown for the ones who inherit titles.
  • No longer possible to call lieges to war against their own vassals.
  • Invasion AI: Fixed an issue where it would choose poor secondary targets if the target province was too heavily defended.
  • Army AI: Fixed an issue where it would merge armies to huge sizes by not considering attached forces.
  • Army AI: Improved attrition check in targeting calculations.
  • Army AI: Better at moving across land without marching together with other armies, causing unnecessary attrition.
  • Army AI: Fixed some issues where it would not count attached units properly.
  • Army AI: Fixed a problem where you could trick AI armies into ping-ponging while it was trying to gather its forces.
  • Army AI: Will now assault when appropriate.
  • AI: Caliphs will now be more aggressive with calling Jihads.
  • AI: Vassals should no longer start wars (except for revolts) if the whole realm is under attack from outside.
  • AI: Willing to join another rebelling vassal's war for the crown only if they'd like them better as _liege_.
  • AI: DoW now factors in the strength of enemies of enemies.
  • AI: Vassals of vassals can now correctly revolt to depose their liege.
  • AI: Now prefers giving baronies/counties to courtiers with static dynasties rather than creating random characters.
  • AI: Non-Muslims will not accept marriages for female relatives with Muslims, unless they are vassals.
  • AI: Tweaked Crusade targeting - will no longer target kingdoms with 0 'holiness' value for that religion.
  • AI: More stubborn about fighting decadence revolters.
  • banished 1.07 cheat engine

  • AI: Much more eager to join Crusades/Jihads if in the same realm as the religious head.
  • AI: Much more eager to join Crusades/Jihads if it has de jure interests in the target kingdom.
  • Split the Kingdom of Rus into the kingdoms of Rus and Ruthenia.
  • Split up the former Kingdom of Khazaria into many de jure kingdoms.
  • Added the new creatable Empires of Russia, Britannia, Spain, Francia, Scandinavia, Persia and Arabia.
  • banished 1.07 cheat engine

  • Added the province of Aprutium (split off from Spoleto).
  • Added new provinces, titles and history for Mali, Songhay and Ghana.
  • Released alongside Sword of Islam as well as two minor pieces of DLC Major

    Banished 1.07 cheat engine